Catalog/Curriculum Workflow
The catalog/curriculum workflow is an electronic system used to gather approvals for
the finalized catalog details for courses, programs, and narrative (non-curricular)
catalog entries. The workflow is used typically as the final stage of the curriculum
approval process outlined in University Regulations. Certain changes, particularly new academic program proposals and new or major course
changes, require additional work prior to (and after, in some cases) submitting the
forms for approval in the workflow.
Please refer to University Regulations, your unit leader, college dean, or the Provost's
Office for guidance on the full curriculum approval process and see the "Reference
and Training" section for related curriculum resources.
When ready to submit forms for catalog changes, you will open the workflow to get
started. Please note that access to the New Program Form is granted only upon completion
of appropriate steps outlined in the Academic Program Proposal Template.
Access & Logging in
Access to the Catalog/Curriculum Workflow can be found in URSA under the Employee tab > Employee Tools > General Information > Curriculum Strategy. You will use your UNC credentials to login to the system.
- If you are a faculty or staff member who creates and submits proposals, you will have
this basic access with your UNC login. You will be able to view and track the proposals
you submit.
- If you are an approver (Chair/Director, Committee Chair, Dean, etc.), your access
should have been requested by your College. Please contact your supervisor and/or
College Dean's Office regarding your college or department's review process.
Submissions for Minor Catalog Updates
To facilitate expedited review and updates for non-curricular and non-content requests (such as formatting, spelling/grammar, or contact information), please email to request changes to the catalog. Whenever possible, submissions should be included on forms in the Catalog/Curriculum
Workflow and follow standard catalog deadlines.
Please note that while we can make updates in the online catalog through this process,
only those submitted by the Narrative/Faculty Deadline (March 1) are guaranteed to
be reflected in the printed catalog for the upcoming year.
Eligible updates include:
Contact information updates
- Department contact name, website URLs, physical location, phone/fax/email
- Removal of faculty/staff names upon death or termination from university (other faculty
changes should be submitted via narrative/faculty forms in workflow)
- Department/College name on Course Prefix pages
Formatting updates
- Updates to the order of courses within a program (that do not alter requirements),
e.g., reordering for proper alphabetical order
- Re-order of program sections (that do not alter program requirements)
- General formatting, spacing or heading issues
General corrections
- Spelling, grammar, punctuation corrections that do not alter meaning
- Broken or incorrect URLs/links to replace with correct link
- Request to correct information inputted incorrectly by mistake (revisions to previously
approved/correct content should go through curriculum approval)